
yellowstone, cloudy tetons, and jackson

So, as planned, I drove through Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks yesterday. For some reason in my mind, I had confused Yellowstone and Yosemite and was expecting El Capitan and got Old Faithful. Meh. I remember being relatively unimpressed by the stinky, although beautiful, hot water last time I was here (what, 15 years ago?) and spent most of my time in Yellowstone taking pictures of buffalo. 

Speaking of Bufflao, Scout and I were pulled over on the side of the road checking a rather large herd out and they make this funny almost mooing sound. Well Scout didn't know what to make of that and growled, and barked! Okay, maybe not barked, but tiny "roof! roof!"s that were a trip. Ah, my silly dog.

Then Grand Teton National Park was underwhelming as the mountains were completely socked in. It was a nice drive, but because it's raining today, I've decided not to go back to the parks and head on down the road instead. 

Jackson is a precious little town. An interesting mix of old neon and Eddie Bauer, antlers and boutiques. From what I gather, a lot of rich liberals, ski bums, and a artsy folks live here. I really like that it's a town of less than 9,000 people, but they have a beautiful arts center, lots of biking, and a neighborhood just behind downtown fully of tiny cute houses. I think small houses are underappreciated and they make me happy. 

So, I'm headed to Boulder. A day ahead of schedule, I may just take it easy and stop somewhere along the way if I get tired. I have secured couch surfs in both Boulder and Omaha, which is awesome! I've enjoyed a couple of days and nights to myself, but it will be nice to be social. 

I'm settling into being on the road. It's so completely different from work. It's very relaxing, and liberating, and only the nights are lonely. I can appreciate that though. I'll have plenty of company soon enough, and being able to snuggle with Scout makes up for a lot. 

Love to all!

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