
nyc, north cakalack, ath and back again

The epic trip continues!

So, on the way down to NYC, we stopped over in Hartford so I could check out UConn's puppetry MFA. We pulled up to the puppet building (about 10 miles away from the rest of campus), I was instantly unimpressed. I knew that just about everyone was down in Waterford for the O'Neil conference, but I'd hoped someone would be there. That someone just happened to be John Bell, a puppet expert extraordinaire and old Bread and Puppet alum who I'd met on the farm 2 years ago. I'd known that he was in charge of the museum at UConn, but hadn't expected to see him. I recognized him on sight and reintroduced myself to him. He told us the museum was closed, but invited us in and turned on all the lights for us. It was really sweet, and I particularly enjoyed their toy-theater exhibit. It was a cute little museum, and John was offering to write a letter of recommendation before I left, but I have to admit, I was throughly underwhelmed. I'm leaning heavily toward continuing to work and perhaps apprentice with someone or start my own company.

Then we drove on to New Jersey, stopping in New Haven for dinner to avoid traffic. We spent a lovely evening with Linda, my maternal grandmother's cousin. She provided tasty brownies, a comfy bed, and even let us do an epic load of laundry (MUCH needed and appreciated!) In the morning we took the George Washington bridge into the city and met up with LJ and Dave. Parking the car became a bit of an ordeal, but once that was taken care of, our visit was delightfully low-key. We ate some pizza at their favorite local place, walked the doggies in the park nearby, but mostly just hung out. I'd been to New York before and so mostly just wanted to spend time with them. That evening we rode the subway into Times Square and tried to score last minute rush tickets to Avenue Q but even the discounted ones were $67, which was more than any of us were willing to pay. So, we just went to dinner at this neo-retro diner and went back to the apartment and watched a movie. The next day we slept in, and then Jose ventured out to visit a couple of green non-profits he was interested in and I helped LJ pack and get ready for our trip. That night, Harrison (Buck), my best friend from high school came over for dinner, and it was SO good to see him. It'd been two years since we'd seen each other, and we'd probably only talked 4 or 5 times on the phone. It's just so relaxing to be around people who know you. Who know your history because they were there. People with whom there's nothing to explain. He's loving city life and working in a research lab at Columbia and seeing patients (somehow, I'm not really sure how this works since he still hasn't been to med school) while applying to med schools and trying to figure out what's next. Basically succeeding at this whole adulthood thing, which is good to see. And, it just so happens we'll be in Austin at the same time in a couple of weeks, so we're going to get to spend July 4th together too!

The next morning, LJ, Joe, and I left around 6 am for the cabin. LJ was jazzed to drive and wanted to get there as soon as possible so she ended up driving the whole way, which I was nothing but pleased about. In Tennessee, we stopped for some Chick-fil-a (yeah, I'm a mostly vegetarian right now, but how could I pass up Chick-fil-a?) and I had a delightfully giddy exchange with the two high school girls working the drive through. I enjoy being chatty with service people, and Joe's never understood it, so not only was that a delightful exchange for me, but illuminating for Joe. Then we went over to Subway to get something for Joe (he's sticking to his pescatarian guns), and it was the first awkward/negative experience of the trip down. The two women working were both oddly cold and terse with us. I don't know if it was because I just exude "outsider" (although both my tattoos and underarm hair were covered), or if it was because Joe is brown, but it made me uncomfortable. It also surprised me and didn't at the same time.

We arrived at the cabin a bit worse for wear around 10 that night and spent the following day eating, sleeping, and reading. It was positively delightful. There aren't words to describe how nice it was to be home.

Laura Jean's childhood friend Beverly came up for a slumber party with LJ, and we all took off early the next morning to meet our respective fathers for breakfast in Murraysville, just south of Dahlonega. We arrived a bit later than anticipated, but Dad was patient and excited to see us. We at biscuits as big as softballs and he got a cursory interview with Joe. After that we took off to Athens, where Jose and I met my dear friend Lauren for lunch at the Grit. Mmmmm. Both as good as I remembered. SO good to see Lauren, heart of my heart. She's just one of the most unpretentious, witty, comfortable, delightful human beings I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Being friends with her is like a good hug: warm and comfortable and comforting, and slightly (delightfully) awkward at the end wondering who is going to let go first. And then she pinches you in the butt.

Then we met up with Mom and Greg, and LJ, and the Aldermans (only parentals + Kristen) and got pedicures. Random, but enjoyable. Then we convinced mom to get a hotel room for the night so that all 8 of us would have a place to get dressed and she and Greg and LJ could crash for the night.

Then we were off to Matt's wedding at the Classic Center. It was hot in a lovely way and the ceremony was utterly Matt Giesler. Hip, evangelical, uber-Christian. There was a lot more "you will respect each other" than I'd expected, although the ceremony was not without the scriptures about wifely submission that made just about everyone in our party stiffen and take a sharp intake of breath. It was really fantastic to see most-of-us from all-of-us, which was one of the main reasons I went. Joe and I also danced up a storm, which was utterly fantastic.
He and I ducked out and headed to Atlanta around 10 which put us in at Nina's around midnight. We both crashed immediately, but were up in time for a tasty breakfast prepared by our lovely hostess. So good to see, even if only briefly, Nina and Brandon, although I suspect their joy of seeing me was leveled by they euphoria at getting to see Scout.
I took my Jose to the airport the next morning with only a few tears. He was off to Portland to start his next term (the very next day). What an amazing gift to get to spend such quality time together. Lots (LOTS) of growth can come from long stretches of driving. He's a fantastic travel companion, and I'm so thankful he could join me for even a fraction of this trip.
Then I headed back to Athens where LJ and Mom and Greg were doing some shopping. I wasn't in the mood entirely, but endured. Eventually Mom and Greg headed to the cabin and LJ and I hung out a bit waiting to hear from the Lanford boys with whom we'd been planning on going camping with. My blood sugar had gotten low so I decided to hit up Taco Stand on Milledge for a burrito (tofu with peppers and onions extra hot- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) and who should I find there behind me in line but Daniel Ray (D-RAY!) of Earth Fare fame. We caught up briefly and it was the best part of my day.

LJ and I headed to Dahlonega in anticipation to hear from the Lanfords and had an epic figure-out-the-shit-of-our-relationship fight/conversation. It lasted several hours, included me crying in a Wal-Mart bathroom, followed by us continuing to have conflict in the frozen foods asile only to come out of that monstrosity to see 15 (I kid you not) self-righteously indignant Dahlonega locals croweded around our car ready to give us a talking to about leaving out dogs in the heat for 2 hours. (We'd been inside maybe 30 minutes). Then as we were driving out of the parking lot we got pulled over and spoken to in the most clieched patronizing way by a state trooper the concerned mob had called.

Yay for having Oregon plates in rural Georgia.

It was enough to squealch any desire I'd had about moving back to Atlanta. Any.
Anyway after that whole ordeal, we were both beyond exhausted mentally and emotionally and as we still hadn't heard from the Lanfords, decided to head up to the cabin. Just as we were rounding Blood Mountian, they called, apologetic, I explained the situation and invited them up to the cabin if they were up for it. They were! So, all 3 Lanford boys came up and we had a lovely late night. They left early this morning to get Eeph to the airport.

So now we've got a couple of days in Murphy before heading off on the next adventure. I had hoped to get to see my dear friend Helen in the next couple of days, but unfortunately she is having trouble getting back to the states due to immigration troubles in Indonesia. Oh dear! Sad not to be getting to see her this trip, but that just means that when we do finally have our long-overdue reunion it will be epic! E-P-I-C!

Here's to sleeping in, eating tasty food, and reading in a hammock overlooking those lovely mountians!

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