
everywhere at once.

I don't know if it's just the weather, but I've been missing Athens for a couple of weeks. It's not overwhelming and it's not constant, but every couple of days I feel a little longing for the classic city. But the more I think about it, I realize that as much as I miss a Taco Stand burrito (tofu, extra hot, with onions and peppers) or a boot of PBR at 283, or zucchini bread from ERC, (god, all food references, surprised anyone?) what I miss about all those places isn't the places themselves. It's getting Taco Stand as a reprieve from a rainy bike ride with Nina, or sitting outside on the patio of 283 with Matt, Megan Louise, and Lauren,  it's sharing a pot of tea with Helen at ERC and splurging for the zucchini bread. I miss the community I had in Athens, the places are just context. I was talking to Lauren this week and telling her about how much I miss Athens, but admitted that if I were there I'd probably be wondering what life would be like living in a place like Portland. 

And the thing is, my life is pretty great here. I'm building my community and chasing my dreams. Yeah, I'm broke, but how would I appreciate some day making $1,300 a month without making only $784 a month first? I had my audition with Tears of Joy on Wednesday and it went swimmingly. If I get that gig, I'd be touring elementary schools for 9 months from mid-August to mid-May, with periodic stops at home (never more than a month on the road). Which basically means that I'd be doing my dream job. Also, I'm moving back to SE (of Portland, not the country) with the lovely ladies of 1023 SE 44th Ave. Audrey is moving out (no drama, she just wants her own place), and they asked me to move back in. Although my orange room has been quite delightful, the rest of the house and living situation haven't quite lived up to my expectations. (Have I mentioned that my room-mates started dating each other a month after I moved in?) 

And although it's only 60 degrees outside, there's a bit of sunshine falling through my window, and for now, that's enough. 

p.s. be sure to scroll down and check out pictures from Running into Walls!

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