

I need healthcare. I have the opportunity for healthcare. I don't know if I can afford it. 

Here's the deal, after taxes my first biweekly paycheck came to a whopping total of $517 and some change. Sweet! I can actually live off of that. Then I was given information regarding health insurance (even the fact that it's offered for a gig like this, kind of blows my mind). Thing is it would skim $96 off of each paycheck. That's 20% of my income. Since my rent is $393, that would leave me with roughly $30 to make it to the middle of the month. With bills, cell phone, and car insurance, I can't afford that. But at the same time, I'm thinking, how can I afford not to? If I, heaven forbid, broke my leg, I'd be in debt up to my ears. But, $200 is a LOT of money when you're only bringing home about $1,000 a month. Sheesh. 

I know it's election season and the rhetoric is 'aflyin, but can I just say that it confounds and saddens me that although we live in the richest nation in the world we can't figure out a way to provide healthcare for our citizens. It's a basic right in my opinion as you can't very well pursue happiness with insurance companies hounding you for premiums you can't afford. Can we just elect Obama already? Please? 

Okay, I'll step down off my soap box, but I could really use some advice. I'm genuinely confused about what to do. Help oh sages of the blog-sphere! Help a woman in need!


L. J. Moore said...

Call your bill people and have them switch those expenses to after midmonth (this is very easy).

Then you can afford the health insurance.

I think.


Aunt Kathy said...

When it comes to the uninsured, America is just another third world country.

I think you might qualify for medicaide. And Portland has those nifty clinics.

You will not ever be denied healthcare. I have heard of many instances of the uninsured negotiating the same rate the insurance company pays.

The absolute worst thing would be that you didn't pay and ruined your credit for 7 years. Then, after 7 years, you get a clean slate. That ain't so tragic!!

You don't lose any assets cause you don't own any assets.

Maybe you could open an account just to see how well you are able to save $200/mo, and use it as needed for food, or toilet paper,or a trip to Texas, or a broken leg. You have always been a very successful saver.

Vote Democrat for every office!!
