
yeah, yeah, I'm not dead on the side of the road

Again, as my life gets more awesome, my internet presence declines. I am not at all convinced that this is a bad thing.

I made it home from Olympia safe and sound. Spent a couple of weeks in the office doing a whole lot of nothing (I get cranky when I'm bored), but got to go out on the road again this week and do some shows. Finally got to catch up with Taryn and hear about Palestine. She also hooked us up with couches in Seattle and came and saw our show and helped us pack the van. Quite excellent. We also got to crash with my beloved roomie Anna's folks out in the boonies of Vaughn, Wa. It is absolutely beautiful country up there, and it was so relaxing and rejuvenating to spend a whole 24 hours in their crooked yellow house that is bursting at the seams with art, good food, love, and color. Her mother, Britta, is an artist who is loud and speaks very quickly, so I felt right at home.  She is also extremely kind and nurturing. The perfect hostess! I slept for 11 glorious hours (which I desperately needed), and left feeling inspired and relaxed. It just so happens that we'll be back in Vaughn this coming weekend, which I am quite excited about if only to hang out with Anna's folks once more. 

Also in work-land, I'm learning a new show to do at libraries around Portland Saturdays in February. It's called Who's in Hare's House? and is based on the West African folk tales about Sangura the hare, who just so happens to be the trickster who evolved into Brer Rabbit on this side of the Atlantic. Also, I've gotten the script for the show we'll be doing in town in April. It's called The Fabulous Bear and is a Polish story. I'm thrilled because the puppets are super light, and my only parts are that as  a narrator figure (just a brief introduction), and then later ... wait for it... a puppy! So most of my lines consist of, "Woof!" "Grrrrr!" "Arf!" THRILLED!

Aaaaaaand, I've started dating a fella who is pretty darn swell. It's still early, but he brings me flowers, showers me with affection, is terribly smart, and cooks a mean plantain. I'm a lucky lady.

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