
blue skies

The sun has finally come out in portland! I've been pretty cranky for the past couple of months. I mean, 58 and cloudy in April was hard, but 55 and cloudy in June? (every time I'd complain, I'd check the weather in Georgia and remember what it feels like to sweat walking to the mailbox and I'd feel better about my decision to move here.) Today it's a lovely 74 and sunny and I'm feeling a bit manic. 
Just read a NYT article that I enjoyed. I've always said that I want a partner, it's refreshing to see that others are striving toward the same goal. 
Considering buying a piece of land in a couple of years, which feels insane to be 23, have a part-time job and be saying, but if I work it right, I think I can make it happen. I love Portland, but I've always wanted a little farm. Why wait? 
Basically, I'm super-happy. Trying to figure things out, and totally digging the sunshine.

1 comment:

Yellow said...

I don't mean to be a humbug, but it's a bajillion degrees here. Poo. NW, here we come.