
up and up

So, things are going well. Back on cod-liver oil (yes, I take cod-liver oil, now with vitamin D!) and my pond scum and feeling flipping fantastic for it. Doing lots of shows, knitting lots, getting into Dr. Who (I've finally admitted I'm a closet fantasy/sci-fi geek), and writing lots and lots of letters. Mail is the best mood buster EVER. Seriously.

Saw Where the Wild Things Are last night with Goose-man and loved it. LOVED it. I thought it was beautiful and true, and gosh darn it, it was just good to get out of the house. Also, I love Laurelhurst. I'll miss it when I'm gone.

But, I'm done with the rain. DONE. And there are 4 more months of it. Joy.

That's about all. I'm a sleepy-Hannah, so I'm headed to bed early.

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