
landslide indeed

After 8 years of being ashamed, frightened, scared, and frustrated with my country and my leaders, I am hopeful, optimistic, proud, and gosh darn excited. I cried like a baby last night. It was the first time I've felt pure joy in a pretty long time.

I was talking about the election with some friends last Saturday and one of the guys I was talking to mentioned that our generation hasn't really had anybody that we've ever looked up to or been truly inspired by. That's one of the many reasons this election has meant so much to us. We admire (President Elect!) Obama, are inspired by him.

I know it's going to be a long hard road, but I have the confidence that The United States can heal.

Thank you to everyone who voted, organized, or just participated. You are what make our country great.


Ally said...

Well I can't say that I am that excited, but knowing that you are makes me smile. :-)

JDH said...

This is a great day. Today I am proud of the American People, for this act of election has renewed my faith in the ideals upon which the United States was founded.

For the first time in the history of our experiment in Democratic government, where authority is derived from the consent of the governed, and where it was declared at the inception of the American Republic that all men are created equal before the law, America has finally lived up to that founding belief. The election of President Obama finally, for once and for all, declares that ANYONE who has properly prepared himself/herself for the office of the Presidency, and who can gain the confidence of the People can achieve the office of the Presidency.

For those who do not share this elation, and for whom this election brings some foreboding and apprehension, and maybe even some degree of fear; I would like to offer this advice.

The economic reforms he is bringing will re-align the Nation more closely with those economic principles and policies which were prevalent in the days of Eisenhower and JFK, when capital markets, and especially banking, were heavily regulated to prevent the wild speculation we have experienced since the beginning of the ’90’s, and which have led to this most recent melt down of our economic system.

We aren’t headed for socialism, as you’ve been told by the talk show hosts. Rather, we are headed for a democratic government dominated by a free-market economic system that will be regulated to prevent the natural tendencies of greed to damage the system.

Hopefully, we will begin to re-build our middle-class, which has been decimated since 1980. Hopefully, we will develop energy independence, because freedom is impossible without independence. Tax policy will be no more “oppressive” than it was during the Clinton Presidency, but we are all going to be required to help dig ourselves out of this hole of debt we are in now. Perhaps we will be reminded of John Kennedy who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

If this is of little comfort to you, please try to remember, “We have nothing to fear except fear itself.” Believe in Hope, and trust in the goodness and wisdom of the American People.

Uncle David

PS Hanna, I hope this wasn't too wordy, but just trust me, it could have been much much longer.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Dave did it again!! Democracy Rocks!!!

Hannah did you get the surprise I sent you?


hannah banana said...

to the blogger... I mean "commenter" known as wordy mc-words-a-lot aka Uncle David,

a little wordy perhaps. enough for me to reiterate my request for you to create your own blog. If you have time to craft comments that at 7 paragraphs "could have been longer" you have time to make your own blog. I'm just saying.

and my name has 2 h's.

but on an up note, YAY AMERICA.

and to you auntie kathy, I did. Thanks!