(Turn and face the strain)
Don't want to be a richer (wo) man
(Turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to (vote for) a different man
Time may change me
But I can't change time.
Yep, I just quoted Bowie in honor of election day.
I'm giddy. Fingers crossed, prayers prayed, now I'm just trying to keep from getting ahead of myself. I'm still in a dreamy "oh my god, can it be true?" And on top of the fact that Obama may very well win this election (please, please, please), Georgia may go blue. Let me reiterate: GEORGIA may go BLUE. (aw, shucks).
Regardless, Bush cannot be re-elected, which should be a relief to everyone, including those who helped elect him (*ahem*).
I love voting. It's inspiring. It's... it's... getting your opinion to count. It's just great. I love it so much it gets me all inarticulate.
And so... partially in honor of the changing face of America (did I mention that I was excited?!) and partially because of my current emotional roller coaster, I'm making some changes in my own life.
In a moment of introspection over the weekend, I remembered that when I take care of myself physically, I feel better emotionally. I also enjoy a healthy obsession, so I'm focusing on what I'm fueling my body with, and how I'm taking care of it. In the spirit of accountability I'm posting some goals. Cheers!
1) I will drink at least a liter of water every day.
2) I will do 5 sequences of sun salutations every morning.
3) I will take at least a 30 minute walk every day.
4) I will limit and work to cut wheat and dairy from my diet.
5) I will re-focus my nutrition to include protein, a whole grain, and veggies at every meal.
6) I will be sure to take my iron every day. For serious.
All stuff I can do. No excuses.
C'mon kids, bust a move.
1 comment:
Good morning, Hannah (the day after election)!!!
I love you!!
Good things are coming.
Peace and love.
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