
ode to a fantastic weekend

Thursday wine night so good I fell down the stairs
new glasses
sleeping in the sun
awkward art museum moments
summer solstice feasting
dancing in the grass
midnight critical mass
(200 bike lights a flutter like the most powerful of fireflies)
kissing on bikes
melon on the porch
afternoon movie-watching
biking springwater
homemade green curry with tofu
awkward argentenian movies
biking home at midnight for the second night in a row
seeing people I know
being a part of a group
long leisurely lunches with Friends
getting the fortune
"soon someone new in your life will become a very good friend"
 while sitting next to said person
gushing with Anna over tea on the patio
going to bed early to make up for staying up late


Anonymous said...

I found you! I didn't know you were out here in blog land

Lovely Places said...


I collect on my site people's favourite places.


I'd be pleased to receive a photo of yours.


annabrones said...

it certainly was a fab weekend... soon to just turn into our everyday lifestyle!