Tour is going swimmingly. Jon is great. The show is great. I love my job even though I'm looking forward to tour being over again. This weekend we did two shows of Peter and the Wolf with the Columbia Symphony Orchestra, and guess what kids? I was Peter! I really missed getting to be the duck (and the cat, and grandpa, and the bird...) but I think we kicked some major ass considering we only had 3 (count 'em THREE) rehearsals. Did I mention the second show was in Spanish? And that I got to be on Univision? This week and next it's back on the road.
Living situation = fantastic. Goose is the best room mate ever. I totally dig living in NE, and am quite in love with this little unfinished blue house. Set to intentionally hang out with Goose again soon seeing as that never happens anymore. He suggested it today after coming to see my show and it warmed my little heart. Yay happy living situation.
Spent a week in NYC with the sister and bro-in-law. Good to see them, but damn that is one tiny apartment. LJ made a veritable feast for both my birthday (southern style feast complete with homemade red velvet cake!) and Thanksgiving. Got to see Buck 5 times in one week which made my year.
Aaaaaand, back in Portland, there's a boy. All new, and totally official. He went to high school with my tour partner Jon and we met at a party a while back at his house. We've been dating just shy of a month and made things official this week. He's terribly kind, and considerate, silly, creative, smart, and comfortable. We fit and it makes me gushy happy. It's been a long time since I've felt this way. Like years. So that's all kinds of good.
And last but certainly not least, I've been asked to design and build puppets for a show in Chicago! For a professional theater! And I said yes! My good friend James is in grad school in Illinois and will be directing a new folk-punk musical called Stalk. It has puppets in it and he's asked me to do them. I've accepted and ridden the incredible rollercoaster of "holy shit how can I possibly pull this off?!? I've never done this before in my life! I have no idea what I'm doing..." to "hells yeah. I'm a pro and can totally do this in the key of AWESOME! I am competent and skilled" We're talking budgets and sketches, and it's actually happening. They're set for an October opening, so my entire summer (instead, alas of being at the cabin) will be spend designing and building the show between here and the Wagoner's basement. Then I've lined up a couchsurf with good friend Megan in Chi-town while I finish up building and teaching the actors to become puppeteers in early September, and then, who the hell knows? This is an absolutely amazing opportunity and I'm effing thrilled to be a part of this process.
So that's a rough sketch of the past month and a half or so. Basically, things are great and I'm continuing to excel at this life thing. Oh, and I had a birthday. I'm 25 now, so I guess that means I'm officially an adult. Who knew adulthood could look like this? Yippee!