A week ago (c-ra-zy that it was already a week ago) my mom arrived in town and the wedding festivities got underway.... starting with me getting sick. Both LJ and Avery had been sick with different throat/chest infections in previous weeks so I don't know if I got it from one of them or if it was a double whammy. Regardless, Laura Jean insisted that I visit a doctor so that I'd be feeling better by her wedding. Thank god mom was in town so she could pay for my uninsured ass. Also thank god for Zoom Care. They saw me 10 minutes before my appointment was even supposed to start and I was in and out in 20 minutes. Woah.
So I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday in bed trying to gather my strength for the impending par-tay. Wednesday evening Avery and I had special dinner with Momma so that she could meet him. That was super fun. Thursday we (LJ, Mom, and I) picked up our dresses, and ran last minute errands. That afternoon I kicked into total adrenaline mode for dinner with dad's family and didn't pull out of that gear until sometime Monday afternoon and I'm still recovering somewhat. Dinner with Dad's family went surprisingly well. Avery was there and was amazing. I find it's always best with dad's family if I expect the worst. That way if they don't make me cry it's a really successful interaction. From there, LJ and I went straight to her bachelorette party at Oaks Park to roller skate. She was complete with veil/tiara combo, and bright pink sash -- ensemble put together by yours truly. (can I just say, and this is the only time I'll say it, I was a really good sister of the bride). A random smattering of about 12 of her friends were there, and Grand Joyce and Aunt Susan even came (and skated!) but I think Mom, Laura Jean and I had the most fun. I lost my voice that night and have sounded like Lauren BaCall since. Kind of sexy but mostly silly.
Friday was lots of running around getting last minute stuff done in between welcoming folks arriving from out of town. It was so neat to see our entire family, and chosen family in Portland! That evening was dinner with Mom's whole side of the family. I really enjoyed talking to my cousins. It is really amazing to see everyone with completely different lives, but still being themselves. I don't know. It's funny how most of the people in my family and chosen family I actually have very little in common with, but the fact that I have known them basically forever, and have seen them (and vice versa) in every stage of their/my lives that makes sharing common interests secondary or unimportant all together. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I love my family and it was great to see everyone.
Then, Friday night, LJ and Dave threw a little get together for all the out of town guests at Dave's house (may I commend them highly for organizing the week so that they actually got to spend time with all their guests in from all over the place). I played taxi driver to the cousins who wanted to attend and in-between ran home and baked my two cakes for the wedding (Laura Jean had her friends bake 20 cakes, so that one could be on the center of each table as the center-piece). I baked two of the same recipe, my mother's grandmother Nanny Lowry's Buttermilk cake-- one with raspberry jam between the layers and the other with blackberry. (I had practiced earlier in the week, and between my room mates and all of our boyfriends it was gone in 12 hours, so I felt pretty good about the recipe). Anyway, I whipped those together, put them in the oven, ran back over to Dave's to pick up the cousins and drop them off at their hotel, and was back just in time for my cakes to be perfectly golden. I crashed into bed before midnight, which was amazing.
Saturday morning, most of the cake bakers descended upon Goose and Amy's sweet little perpetually in renovation abode in NE. The three women with Kitchen Aide mixers took to the kitchen to whip up the icing for ALL 20 cakes, and the rest of us got to icing. It took a couple of hours but they all got done, and let me just tell you, nothing is more delightful than 20 pink boxes (of cake! get your mid out of the gutter).
Please allow me a moment to gush over the complete power-couple that is Goose and Amy. In many ways this weekend, but especially Saturday and Sunday morning they stepped up to help many times without having to be asked. All throughout the icing party, Goose was in the background (not exactly his normal role), picking up breakfast, washing dishes, and cutting cardboard for cake support. Amy spearheaded the entire operation, and hosted the slightly loud and messy event in her home. Sunday they were the point man/woman keeping LJ and Dave on task and basically doing whatever needed doing, no questions asked, with smiles on their faces. Of course their involvement in the ceremony was categorically perfect. Amy read a beautiful poem from Walt Whitman, and Goose lived up to his reputation by being in turns silly, more silly, and even more heartfelt. In the words of Dave Moore, they're gold.
Saturday afternoon, LJ, Mom, and I raced to our nail appointment at 2 (we were a bit late) and all had manicures and pedicures. Mom was super-mom as always and ran next door to Trader Joe's to grab us food and even fed it to us as we were getting our nails done. Don't worry, she was properly pampered too. That took a little longer than we had all anticipated and left us racing to get ready for the rehearsal. We were a bit late as there was some last-minute gift wrapping that needed to get done before I could drive LJ to Mt. Tabor. Thank God that both LJ and Dave as well as I live about a mile from the site of the wedding. Anyway, we ran through the ceremony (bare bones, as to not ruin any necessary surprises) twice. My favorite part was the first time, Aunt Susan (acting as wedding director) forgot Laura Jean and had Sally start the ceremony without her. As I was the flower girl and standing in the back with Laura Jean, I yelled to the front, "Hey, Susan! Don't you need a bride?" Laughter ensued.
Rehearsal dinner was at Don Miller's loft in Sellwood. He, unfortunately, was not in attendance as he was flying back from a 7 week bike trek across the country. Of course, it was absolutely representative of his generosity to open his home to 50 people, most of whom he didn't even know in honor of his friends. Dave's friend Cheryl and three of her friends had spent the entire day cooking a Mexican feast and setting up the entire event, which was completely lovely and miraculously, like everything else went off without a hitch. Around 10, I drove Laura Jean home, helped her clean her apartment and kissed her goodnight.
Sunday morning was slightly stressful. There was a minor fiasco in fixing a piece of jewelry for my mother that took about 5 times longer than anticipated and included me cursing her name. Then I was taking our good family friend Ephriam to help out with reception set-up and got completely lost trying to find the Mississippi ballroom. Totally frustrating because I had just spent time with Avery on Mississippi about two weeks ago. It should have taken 20 minutes and took an hour and a half. That was really frustrating, but I will never get lost going up there again. Once I had picked up my cousins and finally got to Laura Jean's house everything was happy. Amy and Sally were there, and when I arrived with Leslie and Jenny, Leslie got to work doing LJ's make-up. A little later, mom arrived with tales of woe from the reception set-up (a little shout out to operation bird-dog here, Ta-tas, Tom and Caroline, and basically everyone from Mom's family, Y'all did an AMAZING job under intense time pressure and no one could thank you enough for all that you did for that wedding. It would not have happened without you, and you did it with grace and joy that still makes me want to cry when I think about it. What you did can only be described as love in the fullest most active sense of the word. Y'all are fantastic.) Anyway after a brief stress release on momma's part we all had super-fun getting dressed. Laura Jean looked stunning. (I really don't have any pictures yet, because I trusted everyone else to take care of that. I will post some as soon as I get them.) Oh, a word on the weather. In the morning it had been intensely overcast, but thankfully I've lived here long enough to trust that the clouds would burn off by the afternoon, and they did. By the time the ceremony started at 3, it was beautiful and just before the grandparents started walking down the aisle, the sun came through the few remaining clouds and it was kind of like a little miracle. Anyway, I drove Laura Jean up to Tabor, and Amy and Goose made sure the two love birds didn't see each other until the ceremony. Laura Jean was about to burst seeing all the people (about 200) who had come together from all over (including high school) to celebrate with her and Dave.
The ceremony was beautiful, funny, sweet, and basically perfect. After everyone was seated, I walked mom down the aisle then ran back to the back of the ampitheater and picked up a huge basked of rose petals (all from the roses in Laura Jean's yard!) and threw them in the air "bollywood style" (LJ's exact words) as we entered. The wind was just perfect, and just slightly caught them as they fluttered to the ground. I had the most fun ever being the flower girl and especially loved the moment when I stopped to pick up the second basket (lots of laughing). A few times during the ceremony you could hear an ice-cream truck (my favorite moment was when it started immediately after Larua Jean finished her vows. She belly laughed for about 3 minutes.) I don't know what else to say other than it was perfectly Laura Jean and Dave. We were all crying and laughing the entire time, which I'd say is a good sign. Afterward, there were pictures of course, followed by me chauffeuring the happy couple to the party of the century. Dave's friend Ssef was DJing (spinning everything from Jackson 5 to Queen... on vinyl). The food was amazing, the wine was flowing, and I do believe a good time was had by all.
My only conceit in the entire weekend is that Avery was MIA for most of it. He went out of town Friday and Saturday for a wedding and came back to town Sunday with violent food poisoning and was unable to attend any of the festivities. That was a bit of a bummer as I wanted him to meet my mom's family, and family friends. Alas, there will be other times.
Around 9, Dave and LJ made their grad exit through showers of lavender. I had the best seat in the house as I was driving them to the hotel and got to watch them run through the crowd. Laura Jean shed a few happy tears in the car in amazement and joy that in her words, "it was perfect." I drove them to the Ace downtown, and hugged them both and instructed them to get it on. Phew.
Monday, Mom and I did a lot of taxi-ing people to the airport and picking up the pieces from the day before. Checking out of the hotel, getting LJ's dress, returning Dave's tux, returning the sound equipment, etc, etc. That night we (including a marginally better Avery) met Caroline and Tom downtown for dinner before saying our adieus.
I spent most of yesterday in bed, completely exhausted, and still feeling slightly under the weather. Today my goal is to get out of the house. Thank GOD that I got these two weeks off of work.
It was so so great to see everyone and celebrate this weekend. It really was the best wedding I've ever been to, and I have the utmost respect for just how much work (and team work) it took to pull it off.
I think it is such a beautiful testimony to Laura Jean and Dave that their community from near and far came together to support them so fully in their union. I have been cynical for a really long time about relationships, but seeing the beauty, respect, pure goofiness and joy with which those two kids look at each other and their life together, well it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say it changed my life. I am so excited to have a big brother, and am totally inspired by how completely perfect those kids are for each other.